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Laboratory testing is an integral part of internal medicine as well as some surgical work ups. Accurate and timely results enable our veterinarians to confirm a diagnosis, determine the extent of the condition and develop a more accurately tailored treatment plan for quicker return to health. In addition, sequential laboratory tests help quantify the response to therapy and help guide the duration of the therapy that may be needed. At Tryon Equine we provide many in-house laboratory services including:

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  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Complete blood counts are a quantitative measure of the immune system by providing a total white blood cell count, counts of each of the different types of white cells as well as red cells, platelets and other parameters evaluated in those cell types. CBCs help separate bacterial conditions from viral conditions, acute conditions from chronic, and severe conditions from milder conditions.

  • Cross Matching

Cross matching is a procedure which tests the compatibility of the blood from a blood donor with the blood from a recipient. This procedure is performed prior to administration of blood transfusions to minimize the chances of complications and reactions.

  • Culture & Sensitivity

Culture and sensitivity involves the actual growing of organisms such as bacteria or fungi on different types of growth media to be able to accurately identify them and test them against different potential treatments to evaluate their response. Culture and sensitivity enables us to treat the pathogens that are present with medications that we know can kill the particular organism present in this particular patient.

  • Cytology

Cytology is the science of examining various cell types under a microscope to look at their appearance and characteristics. Cytology allows us to visualize bacteria present in certain lesions, identify which groups of bacteria are present and their effect on the cells of the immune system. In addition, cytology can be used to recognize and differentiate different neoplastic conditions or benign conditions. This tool is useful in respiratory workups, colic workups, reproductive workups, dermatologic workups and many others.

  • Fecal Analysis

Fecal analysis allows us to visualize different parasites present in the animal’s fecal matter as well as the presence of other substances. By visualizing, identifying and quantifying the parasites, we can tailor a preventative anti-parasitic program to each specific animal and each specific barn.

  • Fluid Analysis

Fluid analysis can be done on any fluid recovered from the body- this may be urine, cerebrospinal fluid, peritoneal fluid or joint fluid. This procedure provides insight to the types of cells present, the amount of damage or inflammation present. It is often paired with cytology for more complete evaluation. Fluid analysis is also performed on “washes” which involve flushing an area such as the trachea with sterile fluids to recover cells from the area for examination and evaluation.

  • Immunoglobulin G Quantitation (IgG)

IgG is an indicator of passive transfer in neonates (foals and camelids); it estimates how much immunity was obtained by the baby from nursing colostrum from the mother within the first 12-24 hours of life. This test is a simple test in foals that can be done stall side. In camelids the test is more involved and takes 24 hours to complete. IgGs are an invaluable test in neonates; if the IgG falls below a certain level, plasma administration is recommended to increase chances of survival. Performing this test within 12 to 24 hours of birth may help predict and hopefully preemptively treat severe neonatal syndromes such as sepsis which is a common cause of loss of foal within the first week of life.

  • Interleukin-1-Receptor Antagonist Protein Processing IRAP)

IRAP is an anti-inflammatory therapy which blocks a major inflammatory substance that is released from the body in the event of an injury. IRAP Processing involves drawing the horse’s blood aseptically and incubating it with specially designed glass beads. The blood is then processed and IRAP is drawn into syringes for immediate treatment or frozen for later treatments. IRAP has proven to be quite effective in treating joints that have stopped responding well to more traditional intra-articular therapy. Follow this link to learn more about IRAP therapy.

  • Platelet Rich Plasma Processing (PRP)

PRP is used to treat a variety of soft tissue (tendon and ligament) injuries. PRP is processed from the horse’s blood by separating the platelet rich plasma portion; it is then immediately injected into the actual lesion to promote faster and stronger healing.

  • Semen Analysis

Sperm count, sperm morphology and motility evaluation- semen analysis is important to predict the chances of fertilizing an egg in the mare and the breeding health of the stallion.

  • Serum Blood Chemistry

Serum chemistry panels evaluate the level of function of various internal organs such as the liver and the kidneys as well as electrolytes and other elements vital to health and longevity.

Any additional laboratory tests needed (including drug screens, Coggins tests and stem cell processing) are shipped out to external laboratories. We ensure that the samples are properly collected, properly processed and stored and properly shipped to another laboratory in a timely manner for fast accurate results.